American Saxony

We have been making this one to custom fit since 1975. 26" or 28" heavy-rim 'felly-built' wheel, precise vernier tension adjustments, superb flyer & bobbin arrangement (to your choice), any reasonable native North American wood (again, your choice)... this is the one responsible for the term 'production wheel'. Function first & foremost, but even so, much attention to decorative details, turnings & finish. Flyer and bobbins are statically and dynamically balanced, proofed at high speeds. Bearing inserts used with all rotating surfaces, except tension screw.

Furnished with oil bottle, extra drive cord, wheel hook, bobbin rack, 3 spare bobbins, and leg starter, & a cake of beeswax. 24 to 36 month wait.

Custom built, starts at $1,400.00